
Web Designer & Developer

Who I am

Hi! I am the author of all the free web apps at JoomFla & XXI.cat and this is my personal donation page. If you like what I do or want to reward me for some reason, I'd love a beer from you! :) Thank you so much!

My Philosophy

I enjoy taking some time from my full time job as a web designer & developer and work for free on projects that I can share with you for your personal and commercial use. I believe in open source philosophy and I think this will be the great future. Why compete when we can cooperate and become better?

Over time I have published quite a good collection of free open source projects now used by thousands of people. And I couldn't be happier.

If for some reason you want to reward my work, I'd feel really appreciated. You would help me tremendously! In exchange, you can remove any credit links to me if that's what you want.

You can track my activity and download my free projects here:

Who bought me beers

0 beers received


Web Designer & Developer

Buy me a beer


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